

Pournos A., “The proposed European Directive COM (2023) 529 on Intra-Group Transactions for a harmonized application of the OECD Guidelines in the European Union”, Law Library, Business, issue 210/2024

Pournos A., “Transactions subject to examination of compliance with the Equidistance Principle in the context of intra-group transactions: Towards a revision of the Summary Information Table”, Law Library, Business, issue 10/2022

Pournos A., “Business restructuring, transfers of functions and article 51 of Law 4172/2013 as a framework for examining intra-group transactions”, Law Library, Business, issue 1/2022

Pournos A., “Transfer Pricing - Economic approach to documenting the pricing of intragroup transactions”, PKF Hellas Publication, 2020

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